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Spotlighting Robotics Innovation in ‘Olde’ and ‘New’ England

keep calm and build robots small

The UK robotics cluster is fueled by more than a dozen academic research & development centres, long-term UK government funding support of £150 million, and companies that span sectors from medicine and healthcare, autonomous cars, defence technology and drones, manufacturing, agriculture, transport, and others. Most recently, a £5 million challenge was launched to focus collaboration between academia and industry to develop ‘new and novel’ robotics applications and technologies. The challenge was jointly designed by Innovate UK and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The total number of projects is anticipated to be 18-24 with funding awards ranging  from £250-£50,000.

This strength and momentum can be complemented by growing connections to the innovation systems and assets of the world-class New England robotics cluster, positioning the UK’s academic and business communities to capture enormous global and national opportunities:

According to a study conducted by the Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness (ISC) at Harvard, ‘the Boston (robotics cluster) ranks first (in the US)…followed by Pittsburgh and then Silicon Valley. Boston has the most robotics companies in the cluster, greater than the two other combined.’

More specifically, assets in the New England robotics cluster include:

Highly unique and robust linkages and cooperation between academia, industry, and state and federal government is considered a driving force behind Boston’s success. And these dynamics came into focus at the inaugural Robotics in the UK & US (RUKUS) event convened by the UK Department for International Trade (DIT) and the Science & Innovation Network (SIN) in Boston in March 2016, connecting UK and US thought leaders and showcasing Boston and broader New England areas as hotbeds of research, innovation, and start-up activity.

For 2017, the Science & Innovation Network will build upon the momentum of RUKUS Boston by expanding the programme to other robotics hubs of innovation in the US with participants from the academic, defence, and SME communities.

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