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Business is GREAT – Poland’s Energy Opportunity

Off to Krakow today to team up with PMR, one of Emerging Europe’s leading business publication companies for an Energy is GREAT webinar.

A virtual video conference where we get to present Poland’s €30 billion energy modernisation programme direct to UK companies across the UK.

Where’s the opportunity then. Let’s take a pragmatic view:

As a broad policy objective Poland is actively moving towards cleaner, more secure and efficient forms of energy.

This will take time as the country wrestles with a growing economy, a fundamental modernisation programme and the need to retain its competitiveness as a leading business destination in Emerging Europe.

What does that mean in practice and where are the opportunities for UK companies:

1. Coal – newer fossil fuel technologies, power facility refurbs and new power facilities

2. Gas – more of it from diverse sources and an upgrade in distribution

3. Nuclear – a development strategy which is based on tried, trusted, deliverable and financeable solutions ~ this is our strong point

4. Shale Gas – we know it’s there; can it be extracted efficiently and in sufficient quantities to be viable? There is opportunity for partnership here

5. Renewables – a range of potential options which have the potential to contribute

6. Grid development – a huge opportunity in itself and one which merits a detailed close analysis

Energy is Emerging Europe’s single largest development opportunity. If you are not here and engaging you need to be.

For more details on specifics call our all new UKTI Energy Unit in Warsaw and our team is ready to assist you.

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