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Consular Christmas blogs: Have a Merry and Safe Christmas, Minister Mark Simmonds…

The following is a guest post by Foreign Office Minister, Mark Simmonds.

Over the last two weeks we’ve brought you a series of blogs from our consular staff from around the world. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about some of the work we do to support British nationals abroad, and gained some insight into what it’s like to spend Christmas away from the UK.

As you probably realise after reading our blogs, Christmas is one of the busiest times for the FCO.

Minister Mark Simmonds

As the nation settles down for the festive period, the FCO is on alert around the world, ready to support British nationals in distress. We have heard about British travellers punching artificial snowman and getting a hefty fine for it, renting scooters for fun rides in the sun ending up in hospitals with a big bill to pay, or having their Christmas cruise cut short by illness.

In 2011/2012, consular staff provided assistance to 19,874 Britons – a three per cent increase on the previous season. They do everything they can to provide assistance to those British nationals who find themselves in difficult situations, but there are limits to what we can do.

Despite what many people think, the FCO cannot pay medical bills, pay for new flights home if you miss them or get you out of jail if you find yourself imprisoned in a foreign country.

So we encourage British travellers to be prepared: take out comprehensive travel insurance and know what it covers you for; take your EHIC card with you if you are travelling in Europe; photocopy your important documents and do a little research into local laws and customs.

Our staff around the world are there to help you over the festive season, but a quick look through our Christmas blogs might allow you to pick up a few good tips on how to enjoy a trouble-free stay and avoid any unwanted visits to one of our consulates.

If there was anything you particularly liked, or any of your own experiences you’d like to share, just post us your comments. Just like letters to Father Christmas, they will all be read! And for any further tips and advice, check the country specific travel advice on the FCO website.

Wishing you a safe and happy festive season wherever you will be!

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