This blog post was published under the 1997 to 2010 Labour government

Judith Macgregor

British High Commissioner to South Africa

Part of UK in Mexico

10th March 2010

Think Britain

“El Duque de York, cuando estuvo aquí (en México), lanzó la campaña “Think Britain”. Creo que en este año del Bicentenario es muy importante recordar que el Reino Unido fue el primer país europeo que reconoció a México como un país independieente y ahora en este año también hay relaciones bilaterales muy importantes entre los dos países. Y “Think Britain” (Piensa en Reino Unido) es una manera de destacar, mostrar todo lo que pasa en este país, de Coldplay a Educación, a Negocios y a todo lo que es el Reino Unido…”.

Watch this entry in English

Acerca de Judith Macgregor

Judith Macgregor has been appointed British High Commissioner to South Africa. She arrived at the post on 2 October, 2013. She was British Ambassador to Mexico from October 2009 to June 20...

Judith Macgregor has been appointed British High Commissioner to South Africa. She arrived at the post on 2 October, 2013.
She was British Ambassador to Mexico from October 2009 to June 2013.
She joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in 1976, after
graduating from Oxford University with a first class Honours Degree in
Modern History. She has served as First Secretary in Paris and Prague;
Deputy Director of Department for Western Europe and Head of the FCO’s
Security Department. She was also Migration Director from 2007 to 2009.
Mexico is not the first time she has served as an Ambassador. She was
British Ambassador in Bratislava from 2004 to 2007. Between 1995 and
2000, she accompanied her husband during his diplomatic posts in
Dusseldorf and Warsaw.
Judith Macgregor is President of the  Foreign & Commonwealth
Office Women’s Association. She is married to John Malcolm Macgregor,
CVO and has four children.