This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

David McNaught

Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy, Guatemala

Part of UK in Guatemala

20th June 2012 Guatemala City, Guatemala

Conociendo a los olimpistas: Andrea Aldana

La Embajada Británica ha entrevistado a Andrea Aldana quien ha clasificado para los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012 en la especialidad Laser, de la Asociación de Navegación a Vela. Ella es la primera mujer que ha clasificado para juegos olímpicos en dicha especialidad. La entrevista aquí:


Acerca de David McNaught

I have been in Guatemala since August 2009 as Deputy Head of Mission in the British Embassy. For the next few months I'll be stand-in Ambassador - Charge d'Affaires in…

I have been in Guatemala since August 2009 as Deputy Head of Mission in the British Embassy. For the next few months I'll be stand-in Ambassador - Charge d'Affaires in diplomatic speak - until the arrival of our new Ambassador, Sarah Dickson. Julie Chappell, our former Ambassador, was a prolific blogger, so I hope I can match her energy as we have plenty of interesting material to blog about! You will also hear from our excellent Embassy team who are keen to continue blogging about their work and experiences in Guatemala.